Hot Water Solid fuel Boiler STAR KBM

Hot water solid fuel boiler and pellet boiler Star KBM,in power range 20-120kw, is made for burning pellets and solid fuel(coal, wood, large wood waste) ,minimum inferior calorific value Hd=16.000[kJ/kg].

The boiler is designed for central, radiator and heater heating. Operating regime of the boiler is 90/70[C], at a working pressure to 2,5[bar].

Firebox is made of high quality boiler stell, sheet thickness 5[mm], while depleting the boiler made of steel thickness 4[mm]. Fuel combustion in the boiler is carried out in a cooled lattice.

The boiler contains all the necessary connections to connect to the installation and regulation of the combustion process(port to the water supply to the boiler, port to drain water from the boiler, port of discharge, shore draft regulator).

The boiler is constructed so that flue gases, that occur as a product of combustion of fuel, passes in three chambers, whereby heat is transmiting from the flue gas to the water circulating around the firebox. Solid products of combustion through the bars fail in an ashtray, and they are removing from there. Burning process control in solid fuel boilers is carried out with draft regulator, and there is a port on boiler on witch controller is instaling(not part of standard equipment).

Stoking the boiler with solid fuel, is provided by the upper door witch are made with a slope and in width of firebox which makes it easier manipulation with fuel and the use of larger fuels and biomass.

If it is used with pellets as fuel, pellet burner is placed on the lower door which are constructed to have a hole for mounting the burner.

Boiler body is corrosion protected with a special coating, thermal insulation mineral wool which is located in the hull of the coated sheet.

tabelaCertifikat Ce za STAR KBMGOST R (STAR KBM)





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